
I kept cutting across dates
Used red to cut across black
and black to cut across red.
When the ink ran out
I bled.
Paper absorbed blood faster
than anything.
I didn't know that. If I had known..
I would have made love with it.


I forgot the way I came up here. I was alone. I had seen somebody on the way but she just waved at me and signaled me to climb on. So did I. Continuously for an hour or so. My legs never got tired. My hands were numb. It wasn't cold. I forgot things from the beginning of my journey. I forgot my PIN number. My driving license and account number. My address. I was on the cliff. Then she appeared from nowhere and pushed me off the cliff. I fell.

I woke up. I had forgotten everything.
Then somebody came up to me and told me that I am outdated.

I replied, "You know what.... It's okay with me. Being outdated is a historical necessity. It is also a kind of fulfillment. Tell me what Hegel has said about time..??"

The other person turned his back on me and farted.


I burned books.
He calmly sat there and asked me,
"You can burn those. What about your fucking memories".
I burned myself.
After the last smoke left my body
I asked him
"What now?'
He said,
"Now.. you are only memories"



Swati said…
Why all this darkness? I know life sucks sometimes, but icecream usually helps ;-)
Sneha Ramanath said…
Nice poems.
But I have to agree with Swati's suggestion.
Write more.. I liked the 'Calendar' one.
Jyotsna Yedem said…
Love the images. Love how wobbly-bendy and confusing everything is. And yes, I think I can personally relate to the calendar one, altho I dont completely get what you are saying (and I'm not supposed to either, I guess...) Keep 'em coming. I LOVE your writing.
Also, plz add your older blogs to this one...and put 'em all in place. I tried to figure it out, but I have NO IDEA how to follow that one.
ManuKurup said…
Okay Jo...

Thanks for finding time to appreciate my drunken madness...
This blogger thingy is a little difficult. I'm only figuring out the settings and your idea has crossed my mind before. Let me see how the present things can be organized then I will bring my other stuff and arrange it. Thanks again......

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